Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Back To My First Choice.

When I began this, I had decided to use the smaller bedroom for formal lesson times.  I had ideas about a small intimate reading nook, a room with a few classroom decor that would fit year round.  The smaller room is our old nursery room and measures about 10x10, then if you recall my hubby thought that using the larger out-building would serve the purpose well.

So getting that room ready was really more than I am physically and financially up to.  I got it "trashed out" as it had become our catch all place.  Then as I worked in it I thought about the difficulty in climate control, after all G does not tolerate heat that well and F will get a red red face very quickly in a hot stuffy room.  Then the idea of paying for the extra heat to a place that I generally do not heat at all. 

My whole idea as I take these steps was to take it as God tends to naturally lead me.  So that is what I did today.  I moved out the few items in the other room.  By the way, I love the bright cheery yellow paint in that room as well.  I moved in the desks, I put up the wall decor for the reading corner, the monthly calendar and the neat dress me for the weather frog.  I still have that flag the girls bought hanging in the room, after all it was the original room. 

I will begin class on Tuesday without a carpet in the room but the old cruddy one is pulled up and we will be on the subfloor about two weeks I imagine.  For organization bins/book shelves I am going to use the dozen milk crates that we have at the shop, after all they will be behind closed closet doors and will not only hold items well but will create organizational bins for us to utilize.  The easel has arrived as well and I will have R put up the white board over the weekend. 

It will be much smaller and our crafts will come out to the kitchen table. Now that is more of the homeschooling experience we were in need of anyway.  It was becoming way to much like a brick and mortar school house for a while.  I know this will suit our needs and in many ways enhance the experience. 

Next post I will put up pictures of our learning area.

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