Thursday, November 3, 2011

Back in the lesson room

After what seems like a month long absence from our lesson room we had an uninterrupted week there. Huge accomplishment!  No one was sick and while K remains on bedrest / limited activity we were able to move on with our lessons.  I have been experiencing a "difficult " child though.

F turned five years old on Halloween.  She has been a challenge of wills for a few weeks as it is. Today she did not want to do her math book work and all though she was being a stink about it I did not let on that she was making things hard on me and creating a negative feeling. I took down the balance and bear and the play shapes.  Next thing you know I was telling her good thing as I thought she would like to do math with shapes. We worked on halves and wholes as well as names of different shapes and how to create the shape using other shapes.  She spent about 40 minutes non-stop playing math.  Not like she won't get to that page. Still the silent worrier in me thinks she is becoming a willful child and I raised one of those all ready. It is a very ugly task to get through that will without breaking the child. 

I know that some of the change in F is about the new baby coming but it has always been within her.

G is really enjoying all her language arts lessons. Reading has been fun. She asked if she could begin to read the bible so I added the book that comes with the curriculum--they call it the Bible reader.  She loves doing her journal. I plan to get her through more self expression before I get firm about her sentence structure. We are nearly through capitalization rules and then will move onto comas.  Within the next two weeks I will require better use of the rules of language she is learning. Right now I seek expression and she is doing great. 

G got a little upset with her math at the end of lesson today but she has been doing really great in math.  What a big difference it has been. 

Our plans for next week will include a morning at the Magic House on Monday but the rest of the week will be typical and I hope to see a lot of progress. 

We got news this week that their public school has failed and the state is likely to take over.  So many people are stopping and asking me about home school or telling me what a great choice we have made.

As for baby O, well he is still in and breech. We will meet him in three weeks if he does not come on his own but I will be surprised if K get the natural birth experience she was seeking with this one.  All is ready for his arrival!

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