Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Standardized testing

I am a bit confused on this issue. The test tell one how your student compares to same age, same grade students. I do not recall it telling me exactly where my child struggled or if there were inconsistencies in a specific area. I do recall telling my own children not to stress over them at all and that I knew where their strengths and weakness was already. The test say more about how a school is doing rather than a student.

So today I read that the state of Vermont has agreed to discuss the options of testing with homeschoolers before they decide how to confirm that learning is taking place.  I live in Illinois, and so far we do not even register with the state.  I know that learning is taking place in our home. Some is above the current school level and some is right along with it.  As a matter of fact it is possible that G is a bit below level in Math but we will continue all summer with a math program.

I wonder who will bear the burden of cost should that happen in Illinois. The state owes our local schools millions of dollars already.

Well, just a thought.

I have been at the other blog site as I like how to work my page so much better but once again it has its troubles. I think I will keep both for now, had not been here in a while.