Monday, April 18, 2011

Settling here for my blog!

I am so disappointed at the other blog site and I hate to loose what I have done so far but I cannot keep up with a blog when my site is unreliable, not to mention the ads by google that are showing up in the middle of my posts.--not on a side bar but in the post.

SO I will keep it up on this site and not flip around.


  1. I hated to leave HSB too but when the upgrades came it all went downhill. Now with the ads I'm way past over it lol. I found this great tool that helped me convert my HSB wordpress into a blogger format so that you can move all your HSB post to this blog. I loved it and it only took about 2 minuets. Blessings! ~ Nikki
    here is the tool site :

  2. Thank you Nikki, it was fast and easy. I am sure there will be duplicate now but at least for my own records they are all located in one place.


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